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I practice several powerful energy healing modalities, please read further what calls to you

In our Universe everything is energy, our thoughts, our emotions, our body and every matter - living or not - that surrounds us.

Therefore behind the physiology and chemistry of our living system, there is an interconnected energetic system that intelligently organises our life. We co-create with this energy field. We have the power to change it (by changing our thoughts, emotions,beliefs, acts and by changing our outer environment, like a physical, social and energetic environment), and it will always effect the quality of our life, our health and material well-being.

Working closely with our energy system is a truly empowering process. There are so many different ways to communicate with our chakras. Reiki is one of the most gentle and impactful modalities.

I offer counselling on the chakra system, testing and Reiki inspired energy healing - both individually and in a group setting.

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